Navigator Gazette Weekly Maritime Highlights

India Exports Rice to Mauritius & Bhutan: Responding to requests, India has decided to export non-basmati rice to Mauritius and Bhutan, exempting the earlier export prohibition. This move comes post global appeals following the rise in global rice prices due to India's suspension. Maersk's Recycling Standards at Alang: AP Moller-Maersk confirms only select shipbreaking yards at Alang meet their human rights and environmental standards. With compliance issues at Alang, India's ship recycling capacity faces challenges. ₹11,000-Cr PLI Scheme for Container Making: India's Ministry of Ports, Shipping, and Waterways considers a ₹11,000-crore PLI scheme for shipping container production, aiming to capture at least 10% of global demand and counter China's dominance. Panama Canal Extends Transit Restrictions: Due to persistent drought, Panama Canal's vessel transit and maximum draft restrictions are expected to last for at least 10 more months. Nigerian Navy Destroys Diesel-Loaded Vessel: "MV Cecilia," a vessel carrying illegally refined diesel, was set ablaze by the Nigerian Navy after its interception. MSC's D&D Fees Under Investigation: The Federal Maritime Commission is investigating MSC's detention and demurrage charges, with concerns raised over potential violations of the Shipping Act. ClassNk Approves Ammonia Fuel System: ClassNK has issued an AiP for an ammonia fuel supply system developed by SHI for oil tankers and container ships, with ammonia being seen as a potential decarbonization fuel. India's Customs Clearance Reform: Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem, CEO of DP World, emphasizes India's need to enhance its Customs clearance framework to realize its potential as an export hub. Sugar Exports Quota to EU: India announces a sugar export quota of 5,841 tonnes to the European Union under the TRQ scheme for 2023-24. Indian Onion Export Duty: Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs imposes a 40% customs duty on onion exports. Variance in base rates for customs duty calculations across ports complicates the scenario. Container Ship Delays in Asia: A rise in unsold stock results in idle container ships at Asian ports. MSC cancels sailings due to declining demand, indicating a shift in global shipping dynamics. Long-term Ocean Freight Rates: According to Xeneta, long-term ocean freight rates might be reaching a floor after consistent drops. Spot rates are now showing resilience, suggesting a potential shift in the market. #OceanFreightRates #XenetaInsight #ShippingDelays #AsiaPorts #OnionExportDuty #CustomsChallenge #SugarExports #EUTRQScheme #IndiaCustomsReform #DPWorldInsight #AmmoniaFuelSystem #ClassNkApproval #MSCInvestigation #DnDFees #NigerianNavyAction #IllegalDiesel #PanamaCanalDrought #TransitRestrictions #IndiaPLIScheme #ContainerManufacturing #MaerskAlangStandards #ShipRecycling #IndiaRiceExports #MauritiusBhutanRiceDeal
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